

Not much happening

There isn't much to report here at the Galloway residence! Scott has been uber busy at work. I have been on my summer vacation for the week. I used to LOVE summer break. Now, I kind of could take it or leave it. There isn't much to do around here except housework and yard work. The weather has not been the best. I have no vacation planned, so that is kind of a bummer. But I can't complain since I got to go to fabulous Hawaii in December/January.

There are a couple exciting things this month and next. I am participating in an Autism Walk tomorrow in downtown Akron with some co-workers. I have two graduation parties. My niece is turning one at the end of the month. Some of my dad's side of the family are getting together for the 4th of July. And I am really exciting, because I haven't seen some of them in over 6 months. Then, my cousin graduates from the Columbus Fire Academy to become a fireman for the City of Columbus; so I get to go to that.

Just continue to pray for Scott and I as we continue on our quest for a child. We have a very important appointment with the specialists next week and could use all the positive thoughts and prayers we can get.


Unintended Time Away

I have taken an unintended break from blogging. My heart is loaded with things I want to say. Unfortunately, I can't share them. But I can provide an insight into what our lives have felt like for the past year.

This stinking journey through infertility has been a rollercoaster. Each month you have a baseline ultrasound, when the results come back as free of cysts it is the beginning of the long climb up a hill.

You take some special meds and get another ultrasound or two. This is a transition time during the ride. You are up, down, twisting and flipping around. You have no idea how the ride this month is going to end.

Finally, you approach the last big hill. You get your shot to induce ovulation and then the ART procedures you have agreed to. The long climb begins. This time, the hill is scarier than the last AND the trip up the hill takes 14 days.

On the 14th day, your rollercoaster "fate" is decided. You have one of two endings that you have no control over. 1) The ride ends horribly and you feel like you are spiraling out of control. All you want is to get off the ride. You vow to never get on that ride again. This is an unsuccessful month.
2) The ride turns into the happiest, most blissful thing you could ever imagine. You know it won't all be smooth sailing, but you don't care because at the end of the ride will be your sweet miracle. The miracle you have been waiting and praying for. You are at last pregnant!

Now this time on the rollercoaster, the stakes are higher than ever before. Your doctor has told you this will be the LAST TIME he will use IUI for you. I am hoping and praying that the end of this ride is a joyful one. No matter what, I know that Scott and I are surrounded by lots of family ans friends that love us and have been prayer warriors for us since we started our journey.

The long wait continues and the Lord is still good. The Lord still has us hedged behind His hand, protecting us until the time is right. He is rightous and mighty and the Great Provider.