There isn't much to report here at the Galloway residence! Scott has been uber busy at work. I have been on my summer vacation for the week. I used to LOVE summer break. Now, I kind of could take it or leave it. There isn't much to do around here except housework and yard work. The weather has not been the best. I have no vacation planned, so that is kind of a bummer. But I can't complain since I got to go to fabulous Hawaii in December/January.
There are a couple exciting things this month and next. I am participating in an Autism Walk tomorrow in downtown Akron with some co-workers. I have two graduation parties. My niece is turning one at the end of the month. Some of my dad's side of the family are getting together for the 4th of July. And I am really exciting, because I haven't seen some of them in over 6 months. Then, my cousin graduates from the Columbus Fire Academy to become a fireman for the City of Columbus; so I get to go to that.
Just continue to pray for Scott and I as we continue on our quest for a child. We have a very important appointment with the specialists next week and could use all the positive thoughts and prayers we can get.
I found your blog through Kelly's Korner. We have been seeing a specialist, too. I pray that God will show you both how much he loves you, and that you will be awestruck by his kindness. I pray that you will be full of peace and love. Thank you for sharing your story!!