I have to be honest in this post. Brutally honest. Having fertility issues sucks. I wouldn't wish it on anyone. Unless you have been through what I have been through, you honestly have no freaking idea what it is like. Sure, you can imagine what it might be like. You can have empathy and sympathy for people in my shoes. Still, no clue what it is really like.
For a few months I have been asked by several people or told through the grapevine that I should get a second opinion. Here is where I have to be a witch and say leave me the heck alone. I have big enough fish to fry thank you. I know it comes from a place of concern and usually of love.
Honestly, what I need from my family and friends is support. No questions asked. Just support. Shoot me a text saying "I hope you are doing well" or pray for me. Trust me, I can use all the prayers I can get. Or answer the phone if I choose to call you and let me vent. I don't want to hear "I know this will happen for you" or "You will be such a great mother" or "God only places such burdens on his strongest warriors." All of that means nothing to me. You are not God; you don't know if I will ever have children of my own. You don't know why some people have larger burdens to carry or more trials to go through than others. Just tell me you love me and are praying for me.
I am scared. No, beyond scared. I am terrified! Terrified that I will never have the opportunity to carry a baby full term and then bring home a healthy baby from the hospital. One that shares my DNA with Scott's DNA. To raise a child of my own. I used to think that I would be cool with adopting children if I couldn't have my own. Not anymore. I would be a liar to say differently. I desperately want the experience and joy and connection of having my own child.
Getting back to the topic of getting a second opinion. I think a big part of why I am being firm in not getting a second opinion is that I am comfortable usong the doctors I have. They haven't given up on me, why should I give up on them? I trust them implicitly. I know many people have suggested that I go see their "rival" in town. But it goes back to me being scared. I am terrified that I will go to this other doctor and be told that I will NEVER be able to have kids. That he has no other options for me. Or that I will be in the exact place I was with the other doctors.
I would much rather know that I have infertility due to PCOS or some other problem. But to be labeled as having "undiagnosed infertility" is the worst. Because then it is just "something isn't clicking, we don't know what it is. There is nothing physically wrong with you."
I feel like I am spinning my wheels and I am in a horrible nightmare. I have prayed for a child for over 5 years. I have petitioned God for a child. I have had people lay hands on me and pray multiple times. I am at a point where I am broken. I am broken mentally, emotionally, physically, financially, and spiritually. The devil is screaming in my ear that the Lord has forsaken me, turned his back on me, has turned a deaf ear to my prayers and pleas. I am disgusted that I listen to it and at times believe it.
So I will wrap this up. Please just pray for me. That is the way you can show your love and support the most. Pray. Pray. Pray. Not just that Scott and I will someday soon get the news we have been wanting for so long, but that I am able to find a place of peace and calm in my Father's arms. Where I will know the next step to make and trust that He is leading my path.