

The Torture of an Imposter

I have been on progesterone for a week now. I took the suppositories last month too. Last month I had some minor side effects from it...really emotional and hot flashes galor.

This month, there seems to be more going on. I have had emotional outbursts, hot flashes, night sweats, exhaustion, and increased trips to the bathroom. Yesterday more things started happening...smells were bothering me, food was making me dry heave and at bedtime lets just say something was in a lot of pain.

Normally a woman would experience these things and say "oh! I bet I am pregnant!" It isn't that easy for me. Progesterone is the great imitator. I creates the same biological symptoms of pregnancy. It is hard to sit or lie down and just let these symptoms be positive signs, knowing full well that there is a good chance it is just the medicine.

This really stinks. I thought I had been doing so well not thinking about the likelihood of the IUI working this month. Then I think back to all the times I have wanted to do something the past week and stopped myself because it was on the "doctor prescribed list of no-no's".

So I will try to go back to not thinking about what could be going on down in my abdomin and continue living life for the next week.

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