I had my baseline ultrasound this morning at the reproductive endocrinologist. No, I am not pregnant. This ultrasound is to check my ovaries for cysts. Last month I had one on my right ovary.
This resulted in me needing my hormone levels checked. If the level was low enough, I got to continue with treatment. Well, it was low so treatment commenced.
This morning, my left ovary was clear. Right ovary had another cyst. The doctor doesn't know if it was the same one or a new cyst. It was bigger this time than last. So...he decided that it was in my best interest to sit this month out. He said this is my body's way of telling me it needs a break.
I am perfectly fine with that decision. My heart was at ease when I left the office. I cannot say enough good things about him. I had many questions, he took the time to answer all of them.
I told him that my family would like me to get a second opinion. He said that is fine, and it won't offend him. Our conversation continued, but I won't share all that was said. However, I will say that it was nothing that I haven't shared before. His belief is the same as mine, that there isn't a physical test or blood test that he hasn't conducted. There isn't a magical test out there, that can predict when I will get pregnant. Also, there is absolutely nothing physically wrong with my "parts", blood, hormones, or Scott's "men". He told me that if I ever want to get a second opinion, he will make sure I don't have to pay for my records to be sent.
Have a great weekend!
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