La La Loopsy...that is how I have been feeling lately. Ever since I started these stinking birth control pills to attempt dissolving my ovarian cyst, I have been loopy. My days are like roller coaster rides. I can be perfectly happy one minute, then sobbing the next. Something someone says, a way someone looks at me, a word or phrase I read, anything can set me off. My students are pretty lucky that my main two emotions this past week and a half have been happiness and sadness.
I was talking to my sixth period class this afternoon, and all of a sudden I burst out in tears. The last thing a group of 8th-10th graders needs to see is me at a very weak moment. I have a reputation to live up to you know...and apparently lately it is that of a emotional wreck. Although, in my moments of weeping this afternoon, I was able to see my students look at me through different "lenses". Most of them had a lot of compassion for me and were very concerned as to why I was crying. I wish I had a better explanation for them. All I could muster out was "I am on a new medicine that makes me cry a lot. I don't know why it does, but it does."
Along with the emotional roller coaster, I have been getting headaches. These headaches are borderline migraine status. I had one yesterday from the time I woke up to the time I went to bed. Thankfully, I woke up without one today. Upon my departure from work this afternoon, it was back (but nowhere near as bad as yesterday). I really lucked out because I had an appointment with an acupuncturist after work. She asked me if I was still taking a break from fertility treatments and that set me off again on a crying trip. I explained that I was, and that my cyst had gotten bigger from the month before and my doctor had put me on birth control to try to dissolve it.
After telling her all my symptoms, she said "I can tell you that you are not depressed. This is all brought on by the pills. They have thrown your hormones all out of whack." That made me feel a little better. (Side-note: earlier in the day I had called the nurse's line for my doctor due to some bleeding that has been going on and the constant crying. She told me that I could go off the pills if I was that uncomfortable.) My acupuncturist was determined to get my spirits lifted and my headache to disappear. As soon as the needles went into my ear, I felt a change. I almost fell asleep before she finished putting the rest of the needles in my body. It was so relaxing and my headache went away! All it took was 20ish minutes of acupuncture and my headache was gone, along with my sadness. So glad I didn't have to take any pills!
If you have never had acupuncture, you should look into it. I also got "Korean Hand Therapy", which is interesting.
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