My first term as a nursing student is over. When I signed up for classes in May, the people involved in registration seemed to act like I was going to be in over my head by taking 10 credit hours. By no means was this summer term easy, it came fast and furious. After all the dust and tears settled, I walked away with a 3.61 GPA. While this is nothing to scoff at, it didn't meet my expectations. Now I am more determined to do an even better job during the fall term.
Since summer term was officially over August 1st, I have been on a "break". I really wanted to be able to relax and enjoy my break, hopefully getting away for a few days. The "getting away" isn't going to happen. Instead, there will be multiple trips to doctors offices and hospitals. I am still dealing with the after effects of a kidney stone. I am not in pain, but have to have tests done to see if a cause for them can be identified. My thyroid has also been going crazy this summer, so I have been dealing with endocrinologists of two sorts.
Today I went to the RE for a follow-up on some blood work I had done two weeks ago. He told me that my thyroid levels look great, they are nice and suppressed. My reproductive hormones looks great. With that being said, due to some symptoms I have been having he thinks that I have anovulatory dysfunction. While I was relieved to hear that my hormones all looked good, this news was a bit hard to swallow. Basically, it means that either I am not ovulating at all or no on a monthly basis. He asked me how I wanted to proceed in the future. I must have either given him a dirty look or looked completely dumbfounded, because he just looked at me for a minute without saying anything. I told him I don't know. I didn't understand what he was asking.
I remember saying, "So basically, what you are telling me is that it will pretty much be next to impossible for me to ever get pregnant on my own." He kind of grimaced and looked down, shrugged his shoulders and said, "I am not going to say that, but more than likely, you will need some interventions." At that point I desperately wished Scott was with me. The rest of the conversation was mostly a blur. I know that I asked him what my options were going forward. I have three options: 1) use just ovulation inducing meds 2) meds in conjunction with IUI 3) IVF. Due to my lack of income, options 2 and 3 are out of the question.
When the time comes that we want to pursue trying to conceive again, we will have to go with option 1. At this point, I am broken. I feel like I am back at square one but even worse off than before. Never in my life did I imagine that this is what my life would entail. My mom never had any trouble getting pregnant. My sister just said the word and she got pregnant. Why is this so hard for me? I know that I am not being punished, but it sure feels like I am. I try to do everything right. I don't smoke, I don't do drugs, I rarely drink, I have been a productive member of society, Scott and I are loyal to each other, we are working at strengthening our faith, I am eating better than I ever have. I just don't understand why I have to work so hard for everything. Just once, I would like for something to come easy for me...specifically starting my family.
On a good note the doctor seems to think that now that we know I have a blood clotting disorder and have a game plan for that, once I GET pregnant it shouldn't be a problem this time. I will continue to pray to God for a miracle. That by His grace alone, I will have a baby. Whether that includes all on our own or with medical intervention, it will still be a miracle from God.