

Second Step in a New Direction

So the decision to leave my career as a teacher was driven by God. The first step in my journey to a new career was starting nursing school. I hit the ground running in May and haven't looked back once. Sure, I was a little unsure of my decision the first week of classes but that disappeared quickly. Merely just a case of jitters.

I was hoping to find a job at Aultman Hospital. I applied for any job I thought I was even remotely qualified for. My desire to find a job there was twofold. I was going to be down there 4 days a week, I might as well get paid to be there. Also, if I were to be an employee I would get 25% off my tuition each semester. That would save me some big bucks.

It seemed that my attempts to become employed there were in vain. I branched out my job search to all the other nearby hospitals. I applied for food service, housekeeping, being a patient transporter, nurses aide, and secretary. Low and behold, I managed an interview at a large hospital for a unit secretary position. The interview went really well. The interviewer told me that if I could rearrange my Mondays and Fridays, she would give me a shot at the job. That was July 2nd.

August rolled around and I really didn't know anything about my status. I made some phone calls and was finally offered the job. I am pretty excited about it. Pretty sure it will be a hectic job and possibly pretty stressful. My training starts tomorrow, which I am very thankful for. Originally I wasn't going to be trained until the second week of September. If this would have happened, I would have had to miss an entire week of classes.

Looking forward to this next phase of my journey!

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