If you have never had the pleasure of receiving a uterine sounding, you don't know what you are missing...NOT! While the whole procedure lasted less than a minute, its was VERY uncomfortable. He said, "it will just feel like a pinch." Well, he lied. It was crappy and very uncomfortable. Anyway, he said I have a "beautiful uterus, like a mother hen. Just waiting for some eggs to take care of. " After hearing that it looked so good, I was given the green light!
I then sat down with him and asked a few questions. We came up with a game plan as to when we would start the medication next month. So, it looks like in less than a month my donor and I will be starting our birth control protocol! To say I am a jumble of emotions and nerves is an understatement. Things are really getting real. Please continue to pray for Scott and I, our donor, and our doctor.
Lupron information and my birth control. Yikes!
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