

What's the plan, Stan?

So, I just wanted to document the process so far with the fertility treatments we are going through. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like I am going to be able to have children with my own eggs. This is a loss for me. I have to grieve this loss so that I can have a ready body and spirit to accept how my children will be conceived.

We have found an egg donor. She is a great match for us. She has what the doctor says to be "proven eggs", as she is already a mother. The donor is younger than me and in good physical health. She has some traits that are similar to Scott and me, which is nice. Once things are in order with her (personally), we will begin the IVF process. The hardest part in the beginning, according to the doctor, is syncing our cycles. By the grace of God, that part has been taken care of naturally so far. I pray that it continues.

During the month that we go through with the egg retrieval and transfer, we will be on birth control protocol. While on birth control, we will begin shots of Lupron. Lupron, from what I hear, is a nasty drug. Lord be with Scott, my family, and co-workers while I am on this medication. After that, my donor will begin her drug protocol and I will be on my own. I don't know what drugs exactly I will be on. I think my donor will probably be on either Gonal-F or Menopur, along with Follistim, and then Cetrotide. Lastly, a dose of Pregnyl to trigger ovulation.

Once the trigger shot(s) have been given, egg retrieval will be 36-48 hours later. The plan is for the eggs to be inseminated, then watched as the grow for 3-5 days. I am not sure if I will do a fresh transfer or a frozen transfer. Once my embryos look beautiful and have grown nicely for a prescribed amount of time, the doctor plans on transferring two "embies." Dr. S. says his plan is for me to have beautifully growing embryos and transfer two of them. He says I will get pregnant with twins. Then, in a year and a half to two years, I will go back for a transfer of two more embryos and have another set of twins. After hearing him share his plans for me, I literally laughed out loud and promptly told him no way. That I don't have the space in our house to have two sets of twins. His response was, "There is a great invention called bunk beds." Not sure at all on how God's plan lines up with Dr. S's, but I will be absolutely blessed whether it is one child...or 4, lol.

To say that I am a bundle of nerves would be an understatement. I am okay with using donor eggs. While I am a little bummed that I won't see a mini-me running around the house, I know that they can have some of my personality simply from how I raise them. Now that I know what month we are going to go through with the IVF, it seems very real all of a sudden. If it seems so real now, I can only imagine my thoughts and emotions once we start our drug protocol. I am excited to see the end results of something we have waited almost 10 years for.

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