We all know that my pregnancy unfortunately ended early. I was devastated. This miscarriage was much more difficult to deal with for several reasons. Some of which I still don't understand and I don't think I ever will. This time, I was left with so much anxiety and raw emotion, I didn't know what to do. It also left me with horrible heart palpitations. Medicines that were prescribed to prevent them were not working. I went to my physician, whom I trust without question. He listened to me complain about all that was going on both in my life and in my body. Once I had stopped talking, he told me that I needed help. I knew I needed help, that is why I was there. He told me that this time I would have to get help without medical intervention.
He recommended I start attending a support group, if you will. This support group "will help you learn to deal with your emotions". According to him, I had a lot of pent up emotions going back to my father's death 9.5 years ago. Deep down I knew he was right; but who wants to admit that they need to go to a support group at my age? I reluctantly agreed to go.
That was five weeks ago. I have gone every week. I have been working the "program" and I think it is helping me. Now, if I had just been going to the meetings, I don't think it would be helping me much. What is different now, is that I am taking time out of everyday to read a devotional and my Bible. I am deliberate in my readings and try to carry out what the devotional says in my daily life.
I have grown stronger in my relationship with Christ throughout this whole ordeal. When I first found out I would probably lose my baby and then finding out that I DID lose the baby, I would just cry and yell out "WHY GOD?!?! Why me, again?" or "This isn't fair! What did I do?" I didn't take the time to stop and listen for an answer. Slowly, over the last 6 weeks, I have learned to still my thoughts and actions. I have learned to stop asking why. I may never know why and I am slowly becoming okay with that. Now, instead of asking why, I have learned to ask for guidance in the future. To thank Him for my struggles. He obviously wanted me to learn something from them. I had learned through my meetings and through my walk with the Lord to stop worrying so much. Take one day at a time and to let go and let God.
I believe that by letting go of my worry, I opened up a door to a new hope. God has moved in HUGE ways in my life this week alone. I got great news on my blood work, with the exception of one test. But that one test was not all bad news. There is a reasonable "fix" for my defective gene that will hopefully allow my body to carry a baby to full term. So I got two pieces of good news that I KNOW God had a hand in. Then the nurse told me that unfortunately my insurance company may not cover the medicine I HAVE TO HAVE when I get pregnant. I was trying not to worry too much about it. I kept telling myself that if we have to pay a grand a month for the medicine, we will find a way to make it work.
Then the biggest Praise God moment I have had yet, the same nurse called me later in the day. She told me that she had talked to the special pharmacy that deals with fertility medications and treatments. They informed her that my insurance company, did not only cover my medication but the co-pay would only be $10/month. HOW AWESOME is that?!?! Only God could have moved that mountain.
So while this post is running a little long, I have one thought left. I am trying to be optimistic that all of these things mean that a baby will be in my near future. But there is that old part of me that isn't quite healed yet that plants a seed of doubt in my mind. That seed of doubt is saying "Don't get your hopes up! It won't work again!" Wait a minute...I shouldn't say that it is part of me...that is the devil trying to turn me away from the light and being positive. Whenever he tries to get me down, I am going to tell myself "Let go, and let God!"