

Straaa-aaannngggeeee Thiiingsss (sung ala Randy Newman on Toy Story Soundtrack)

The past couple of days, I have not been feeling myself. I am tired. Not just tired, but darn near exhausted. I can't sleep well at night. I toss and turn. Part of me thinks it is because the weather has been so humid and I refuse to turn on the air conditioning. I refuse to turn it on because the second floor never cools down. It just stays hot. I have awoken in night sweats several nights in the past two weeks.

On top of not sleeping well, I have been having really strange dreams. They are very vivid and seem to be real. I can be in the middle of a dream, wake up for a few minutes, and then fall back asleep right into the dream I had just left.

Last night I started something else new. I had huge cravings for hot pepper cheese. Eating a piece or two wasn't cutting it for me. I lost track of how many pieces I ate. But let me tell you, it was soooo delicious! My body is paying the price now. I forgot how "binding" cheese is...

These new changes have occurred in the past. I experienced them all in May. The only thing missing is the strong urge to have pickles every night. I am not going to let myself think too much into this. I still have 8 days to wait before testing. Longest 8 days ever!

Now a verse to leave you with. This has been very encouraging to me over the past year.

Blessed is the man who is patient under trial and stands up under temptation,
for when he has stood the test and been approved, he will receive [the victor's] 
crown of life which God has promised to those who love Him.
~James 1:12 (Amplified)


  1. Hang in there Mel! And no more cheese!! Lol

    1. Oh, but after I posted this I ate like four slices of hot pepper cheese. Then for dinner I had a pork chop with a side of beets. My beets had goat cheese crumbled on them. So good.
