So, not much has been happening in la casa de Galloway the past few days. I think this post will be one of numbers. Here goes...
0: the number of times I have worked out in the past 8 days...and it stinks!
33: the number of years I have gone without a cavity. Had a great check-up at the dentist today.
9: how many days are left of the dreaded two week wait. I may just wait a day or two longer...I am terrified to POAS (pee on a stick)!
7: number of months it has been since I heard from a really good friend. She contacted me out of the blue yesterday and tonight I learned that she is moving within 5 minutes of me!
4: the number of days left in my summer vacation before school officially starts.
6: the number of medications I have to take everyday...I can think of three that I can't wait to stop taking, but it won't be anytime soon.
8.5: the number of hours of uninterrupted sleep I pray I get tonight.
1: the number of infants I held at work today. He was two months old and such a tiny peanut!
14: the number of hours it will be until I finally get my car back from the shop! Five and a half days is a long time when you have places to go and people to see!
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