


I try not to have resolutions at the beginning of the year. They always get broken in less than a month. This year I am not going to make resolutions, but goals instead.

My first goal is to relax. Do something for me at least once a week that is guilt free and purely enjoyable to me.

My second goal is to try to be more honest. Honest with not only others, but with myself. If I don't really want to do something, to have the courage to stick up for myself.

My third goal is to grow spiritually. I will leave it at that. God knows what I struggle with. He knows what is on my heart and mind. My hope is that I will come to depend on Him and less on others.

My last goal is to make Scott's feelings and happiness a priority. This past year I have been so self-centered. I have used him for my own needs and not really put too much thought into what he needs from me.

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