**Warning: this post has a lot of "stream of consciousness" writing. Sorry if it isn't very cohesive!**
So the big day is coming up. Saturday I will take my final pregnancy test for a while. I don't know what to think about it. I feel a little sad and disappointed that all the time, money and effort we put into getting pregnant over the last year got us no where. Well, it did get us some where. We got some needed information about my blood disorder and the great news that I am not a carrier for a few common disorders. It also got us a lot of prayers which are always appreciated and are still wanted.
To be completely honest, I would be a liar if I said I wasn't ready for a break. This journey has taken a toll on Scott and I. Scott feels like he is sometimes "just a donor". We both have been on an emotional roller coaster; but as I am the one getting all the meds, my emotions are much more unpredictable. Physically and mentally I am drained. As much as I desperately want to be a mother and would love to love on a mini Scott, I don't think I could take much more of it. I
Scott and I need to work on our relationship again. I am embarrassed to say that I have not put Scott's need on my priority list. Shoot, they haven't even been on my radar. That makes me really sad; he is always saying nice things to me, showing me affection, doing unexpected things for me. I am too concerned with my wants/needs and focused on all the "bad things that keep happening to me". He has been such a rock and a soft place for me to land. My partner, best friend, love of my life and biggest cheerleader needs to have the same treatment from me.
Taking this time off, for however long it happens to be, will be good. I hope to continue to improve our physical health, emotional health, mental health and financial health. But most importantly- our spiritual health. Scott and I joined a connect group at our church. We have had two meetings so far. I have really enjoyed it and am learning more and more about myself and my walk with Christ. I pray that this can open up more doors for our relationship and life in general.