

Take the Not so Good with the Awesome

My appointment this morning was not great. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't great. Good news: my body has produced two follicles this month. Not so good news: they are about half a centimeter smaller than they should be.
Better news: my genetic testing I had done in December shows that I am not a carrier for Fragile X syndrome, SMA (spinal muscular atrophy) OR Cystic Fibrosis! That means Scott doesn't have to get tested!
Best news: in July after my D&C I had a lot of bloodwork drawn up. I got the bill for it in September and about went into cardiac arrest. $4500!!! My insurance was refusing to pay for any of it. I did what most people would do: I cried (a lot), called my insurance company (who were less than helpful to say the least), and then called the lab that ran the tests to talk about my bill. The woman was so helpful and promised to get to the bottom of it. I still remember her name, Loretta.
She called me back and said they would resubmit it after they talked to my doctor's office about the "reason for the draw". I never heard any more about it. Then in November or December I get a statement (not a bill) from Labcare for the full amount AND another explanation of benefits from my insurance company. They STILL WERE REFUSING TO PAY A DIME OF IT!!! To them it was all medically unnecessary.  So I just accepted my fate, prayed about it a lot and totally forgot about it.
Flash forward to this morning. I was waiting to get called back and for some reason started thinking about that bloodwork. How I hadn't heard any more from Labcare. I went home to get my phone and checked the mailbox from the weekend. I saw an envelope from my former insurance company, which is really odd because I hadn't used them since September. I opened it to find an explanation of benefits from July 2013. All about my bloodwork. To my dismay it said that the "Amount Patient Responsible For" was $0.00!!!
Holy cow! Praise the Lord! Hallelujah Hosannah in the Highest! I broke down in tears. Now this smallest of things brings new hope to my mind. HE is still working in my journey. This had to be taken care of before the next thing can. My faith is being renewed one day at a time.
I have to keep remembering that God is good all the time and HE works in His time...not I mine. Melissa- just step back. He's in control. He's got this...not you...not your doctor...not a second opinion. God alone.

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