Yesterday morning I had to get to the RE office bright and early. The days agenda included a repeat blood draw and ultrasound. The doctor wanted to see my hormone levels to try to predict when I would release my big follicle. The ultrasound showed that the follicle had grown from something like 11x17 mm to 17x25 mm, which was fantastic. The smaller ones had grown, but nowhere near as big as the dominant one. That's okay because all it takes is one!
Yesterday afternoon I visited the chiropractor to work on my neck/shoulder tension. When he was finishing up, I asked him if there was anything he could do to incerase blood flow to my ovaries and uterus. He worked on a couple points and wished me luck.
The RE office called yesterday afternoon to inform me that the doctor wanted me to come in today for more blood work and another ultrasound. He also wanted me to bring in a specimen from Scott to do an insemination. This morning was our insemination. My follicle hadn't grown any from yesterday, but it still looked good. Scott had a good count. Now the rest is up to God.
I was a little disheartened when the doctor finished. Before he left the room, he said that I didn't have a lot of eggs showing up. That I may just want to start thinking about using an egg donor. He said that we could try to use injectable medications, but there was a good chance that I may not have a lot of follicles develop. That was a little bit of a downer, but I am going to just hope, pray, and be cautiously optimistic that this insemination will be plenty and will take.
In the six weeks we have been under this doctor's care, he has done more testing and investigating than the last RE did over a span of a couple years. I am praying that God lead me to his office for a reason and that my body was ready this week for a baby to be created. I am standing on faith that this is for a reason. God promises that he has a plan for us, plans for good. Doing my best to stand firm on His promise; yet trying to remember that if it doesn't happen, God has better plans for us. Even if it hurts right now and we are unclear about what those plans are.
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