

Next Steps

In our efforts to have a baby this past week or so, I have been trying to keep my family updated with the pertinents. I shared with them that the doctor suggested using donor eggs should we not fall pregnant this month. I jokingly sent a text to my mom, siblings, and brother-in-law requesting any extra eggs they have lying around. My brother responded with "We have a dozen in the fridge you can have." My brother-in-law responded with "Putting the 'us' back in uterus."

David's little joke made me laugh at a time when I really needed some comedic relief. Other than their responses, I had radio silence. The next two days I had some people reach out to me regarding egg donation. Wanting to know the process  and when we would be wanting to do this. Without putting too much information out there at this time (because we have only just started the process and don't know if they would be a good candidate), we have a potential donor! This donor would need to have a full work up (should I not be pregnant this month) and then we would have to wait for the doctor to give a thumbs up that she is a good candidate. We then wait for a time when we have more money to pay for this (so if anyone has an extra 11 grand laying around that they don't need, I would be more than happy to take it off your hands).

I am still in disbelief that we have a potential donor. Someone that would be so selfless! My eyes well up with tears everyone I think about it. God is good, and I pray that should we need to go this route, the finances and everything else just fall into place.

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